I’ve been playing with Lightbox, a lightweight, multi-talented image editor. It’s a small download, about 10Mb, and it’s very quick and responsive. The interface and dialogs are a little quirky but all very usable. The Lightbox Basic version lets you work with 48 bit files, performs quick-and-easy photo touchups, opens RAW files, fixes colour casts as well as the usual print, crop and resize.
Lightbox Plus gives you history, snapshots, clone brush, dodge&burn, HSL and LAB colour modes, masking, blurring and sharpening. You can download the Plus version as a 30 day trial, purchase it for US$19.95 or just use the Basic version, nag free, forever.
LightBox is designed specifically for very high-quality image enhancement. It contains many state-of-the-art functions, breaking new ground with most core routines, written in machine-level code for realtime 48-bit editing control.
Tags: freeware, lightbox, lightbox+image+editor