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Midnight Shot NV-1 Night Vision Digital Camera

We all wish that we could see in pitch-black darkness. Night vision is one of the better superhero powers, but us regular mortals can�t quite seem to possess this power without the help of technology.� That�s where the Midnight Shot NV-1 Night Vision Camera comes into play. This digital camera makes use of a super-bright IR LED to illuminate whatever is hiding in the darkness. Thankfully, because human eyes aren�t capable of seeing infrared light, the camera�s flash is invisible.

Aside from being a stealthy night vision camera, this super-powered camera also has X-ray vision. Now don�t think that you can go around seeing through buildings or anything, but thin fabrics and the like will look all but non-existent. This is due to the IR light that can penetrate certain thin materials. Some very accommodating features include 5.0-megapixel CMOS sensor, an 8x digital zoom, and a 3� LCD display. This will cost you $129.99 and will even let you shoot 640×480 video. This camera almost needs a secret identity.

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