heh heh! posted by

Monovelo is like a big wheel for adults

When I was little, having a Big Wheel made you one of the cool kids. Until you had one, you were just more of the riff raff that played with the kiddie toys. While it may not be a �Big Wheel� perhaps, we still like to have really awesome toys that help us to keep up with the Jones’.

It’s name is the Monovelo, and it is the toy that every adult is going to want. It is a monowheel that is human powered, which is all too common. The profound part of this mode of transportation is the fact that instead of being on top of the wheel, you are inside it. Steering is based on shifting your weight, and you brake with your feet, much like Fred Flintstone. This toy is obviously going to be a bit more expensive than a Big Wheel, so prepare yourself for its $1,790 price tag. If it makes you feel any better, some of them have LED lights on them.


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