heh heh! posted by

NavTones brings Gary Busey to your GPS

Not long after GPS systems started hitting a price where they were affordable for the masses, companies started offering celebrity voices for the units. Personally, my TomTom has been voiced by Eddie Izzard for a couple of years. His blend of British humor into my long drives keeps me entertained, even if he does yell at me from time to time. So who’s the next big celeb to crawl inside your GPS? Gary Busey.

It’s hard to imagine having a little box guide you to your destination, when it is voiced by a crazy man. Then again, I suppose that might be a selling point. Mr. Busey will provide you with a number of helpful tips such as �do not pet the lions or the gorillas� or �be in the silence and let the journey be in the noise� while driving down the road. He will of course also provide turn-by-turn directions when they are needed. For $7, it’s a cheap laugh for those long road trips.

1 Comment

  • Years ago, TomTom also offered directions by Dennis Hopper…with his maniacal laugh.

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