NeighborGoods is a little bit like a cross between Craigslist and Freecycle, but instead of selling or giving your stuff away, you share it. You can choose whether to share with friends and neighbors or grab money from others by renting.
As with all of these services it will stand or fall by the amount of traction the community gets, but certainly the design is clean and attractive enough to help it grow. Oh and of course the items on offer will need to be worthy, after all who’s going to waste time borrowing something broken, eh? US only, worth a look. is a safe online sharing community where you can save money and resources by sharing stuff with your neighbors. Need a ladder? Borrow it from your neighbor. Have a bike collecting dust in your garage? Earn some extra cash by renting it out! NeighborGoods members can borrow, lend, rent, sell and buy stuff from their neighbors, saving money and getting more value out of the items they already own.