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Nintendo Controller Coffee Table is the new way to play games

Surely you want a quality coffee table for your living room. Why not make it functional alongside being well-made and aesthetically pleasing? This Nintendo Controller Coffee Table is fully functional as a controller, as it has it’s cord wrapped up underneath, and has a glass plate that makes it into the coffee table you will want to show off to all of your friends.

Made out of maple, mahogany, and walnut with dovetail joinery, this table means serious business. It’s a little under three feet long, and stands at about 18�. The table alone will set you back $2,500, but keep in mind that you are paying for electronics, quality wood, and workmanship. That doesn’t make it any cheaper, but it does justify the high price. There are four versions of the table available, and you’ll have to be willing to shell out a bit more if you want it shipped.


  • That. Is. Awesome. Ultimate coffee table for the man cave.

  • This is amazing – I had a NES when I was but and child and it's controller is a fond memory of mine. Not sure I can afford it, though! It might be cheaper to buy lots of old NES controllers and glue them all together. It would never look as nice as what this amazing design team have done, though.

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