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NoPhone – break your smartphone addiction

Can’t put your phone down, always grabbing it just to check? Give yourself a decoy with the NoPhone, the phone made to break you of your smartphone addiction.

Look, our screentime can get out of control some days but most of us are able to put down the phone. If you find that you can’t for whatever reasons, no judgments, the NoPhone is here to help. It’s a piece of plastic shaped like a phone. That’s it. That’s what you’re paying for.

There’s no data, no camera, no wifi, no nothing. Just a plastic rectangle for you to carry around and reach for when you get that urge. Ideally you’ll eventually realize that literally nothing is waiting for you when you pick it up and stop but it might take a few tries. Or you can send it as a passive aggressive gift to someone you think needs to unplug. The NoPhone is $12.

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