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Nostalgia Electrics PCM805 Hard & Sugar-Free Candy Cotton Candy Maker – make the carnival treat in your own kitchen

Cotton Candy Maker

Cotton candy is delicious. It’s like a fluffy sweet cloud that brings a rainbow of happiness to your tongue. It is just one of life’s simple pleasures. With the Nostalgia Electrics PCM805 Hard & Sugar-Free Candy Cotton Candy Maker, you can make your own right at home.

This cotton candy maker uses normal and sugar free hard candy or regular cotton candy sugar to make the delicious treat. Since it takes normal candy, you don’t have to purchase anything special, you can just go to the local corner store and buy a bag of whatever you fancy to make the sweet treat at home.

cotton candy ingredients

You can watch your cotton candy being created which is always something fun. It comes in pink and white but your cotton candy can be whatever color you want (or whatever you put the ingredients in for). The set-up also comes with two reusable cotton candy cones to eat your sweets off of. The Nostalgia Electrics PCM805 Hard & Sugar-Free Candy Cotton Candy Maker is $46.95.

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