Pinger. Very cool mobile application that lets you send voice messages instantly to someone’s cell phone or email without having to make a call. Kind of a cross between push to talk and SMS. The service acts as a central server and notifies the recipient (or group) that there’s a message they need to pick up, which they hear by dialling a special number. The key thing is that it’s super easy to reply, which is very clever. Unfortunately US only at the moment, but definitely worth checking in to the beta (and let us know what you think…). [via the ever delicious Textually]
You’re mobile and you need to get a message to someone. Is she sleeping? Is he with the kids? You don’t want to interrupt—you just need to get the message out. With Pinger you can say it right now without ringing their phone, but with the speed, personality and emotion of your voice. Have you ever been mobile and wanted to send a message to a bunch of people all at once? You can’t without calling each and every person. With Pinger you can record a single voice message and send it to two, 20 or 200 of your closest friends. Make the group list on the fly or create lists to use over and over.