Public Earth aims to provide an alternative to all the proprietary maps and location based services on the Net by offering a completely free to all wiki based site where you can add your favourite place, service or area. Think Wikipedia for locations.
The open ended nature and geographical scope of the site make it a very ambitious project, but that’s a good thing right? It’s already possible to see the potential of a free service which can offer guidance on what to do in your area on a weekend, or great romantic locations for that first date. It’s a ‘for-profit’ operation, so expect to see advertising arrive in time.
PublicEarth is a for-profit organization; we intend to make our global service available for free through careful monetization–click-through to content providers, travel and booking sites, and local business; and also through various advertising programs. It is our goal that ads, when present, will be highly contextual and designed not to interfere with the searching and exploring process, or the ease of site use.