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Q-Link Cell Phone Protection Pendant – for those times when tin-foil just isn’t enough


There’s no question that unless we live high up in a remote mountain village somewhere, we’re all swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation. Visible light, UV, gamma, and of course in modern day purgatory we’re all swamped by WiFi and cell phone radiation, in homes, offices and beyond. For some people, with ultra sensitivity, this immersion can be crippling.

We’re not sure how history is going to judge our exposure to this ever widening range of electronic fields, but we’re pretty certain that there’ll be lots of people trying to make money off the lack of definitive science for a long time yet. Take this Q-Link Cell Phone Protection Pendant for example.

Apparently it reduces the symptoms of fatigue and the effects of EMF radiation, while increasing your energy and stamina. And all without batteries or maintenance. Isn’t that awesome? The product weighs just 3 pounds and is waterproof and comes at a price of $99.95. We’re totally sold.


  • Uh-huh. As soon as _anything_ says holistic, I stop reading. If there were any truth to this stuff, then it would have started appearing when radio station began their proliferation. People would be keeling over as police cars, mobile ham operators, and CB users drove by.

    Sorry, I call tutti-frutti on this.

  • BTW, I have a version that only weighs one pound. But wait! For the next ten minutes, I'll double the offer and send your two pounds of rocks… err, devices for the price of one (just pay additional shipping and handling charges)!

  • Carrying an extra 3 pounds in weight will reduce fatigue … the people who market such items deserve to be prosecuted so they can either prove their claims or serve a prison sentence for attempting to defraud and preying on the vulnerable.

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