Qualcomm has just announced its new Snapdragon smartphone processor, the Qualcomm MSM 8960, and it’s a doozy. We’re talking 5x the performance of the current Snapdragon (1.2GHz dual core?) with 75% lower power consumption. Complete with integrated GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth and FM, as well as next generation LTE 4G network compatibility on a single chip.
What does this mean? Well, your next smartphone will likely rival a laptop in terms of functionality, and who knows the battery might last for two days per charge instead of one. Samples of the processor are due out next year. Here’s a link to the presentation PDF document.
The first chip to feature the new CPU core will be the Snapdragon MSM8960 chipset. * The MSM8960 will be a dual-core chip using an upgraded CPU core based on a new micro-architecture that delivers approximately five times the performance of the original Snapdragon chip at 75% less power. * It will feature an integrated multi-mode modem that supports LTE as well as all 3G modes. * It will offer upgraded graphics capabilities with four times the performance of the original Snapdragon chip, as well as built-in integrated connectivity for WLAN, GPS, Bluetooth and FM. * The MSM8960 will also be the first Qualcomm chip built on 28 nanometer (nm) process technology and will begin sampling in 2011.