OK, here’s a question. How many ways can you slice and dice a stupid fictional robot character and make a zillion dollars in licensing fees? Answer. We don’t know, because we haven’t tried marketing a toilet scraper yet. Yes that’s right, here we go with yet another R2D2 themed object. We’ve had wireless keyboards, car chargers, bubble machines, desk vacs, web cams, smokers, remote controls and security safes. Why not an R2D2 Humidifier? We hear you ask. Wearily.
Like a gentle metal fairy, this rotund article will deliver a constant flow of gently soothing water vapor (aka mist) to a room of your choosing. It contains a 1 liter tank and up to 24 hours runtime, depending on Obi Wan’s nostrils. Or something.
The most important thing to learn is it absolutely won’t, under any circumstances, make any weird robot noises, beam out holographic video of a princess or do anything which might get you or your loved ones in trouble with the Galactic Empire. Or the neighbors. So you can relax and simply wave your credit card over here to deposit $69.99. Oh rats, we missed out a ‘this is the droid you’re looking for‘ joke.