Here’s something you don’t see everyday, a real life hoverboard. This twin-fan, remote controlled hovering space surfer will lift off the ground on its own, rotate through 360� and moves left/right and forward, cos everyone knows you can’t skate backwards. Runs for 15 minutes on a 70 minute charge and needs a 9V battery for the remote. US$89.95 from Hammacher.
This is the remote controlled space surfer that hovers in the air, spins 360º, and moves left, right, and forward–all while levitating parallel to the ground. Capable of indoor or outdoor flights, the space surfer has dual propellers that generate enough thrust to send the device from a stationary position without requiring a hand-launch.
Tags: gadget, remote+control+toy, remote+control+hovering+space+surfer, hover+toy, hover+board