The Rocket Alarm Clock is yet another of those products designed to make our lives miserable in the morning. Why do they keep making them? Anyway, stop the countdown before it ends or you’ll have to get out of bed to retrieve the launched rocket to turn the alarm off. You’ll also probably have to rush Fido to pet hospital with a rocket embedded in his snout, but that’s another story right? £14.98.
The Rocket Alarm Clock is here to ensure that if you have to take off in the morning, it will do just that. Rocket Alarm ClockThe launch pad doubles as mission control, where you can set the time and the alarm from the LCD display. When it’s time to get up, the red LED lights begin to flash and the countdown begins. 10 – 9 – if you wake up now you can abort the launch – 8 – 7 – 6 – you can still stop it – 5 – 4 – come on you space cadet get up – 3 – 2 – 1 – LIFT OFF! If you’ve failed to abort the mission by now, your soft-headed rocket has launched itself across the room – and the only way you’re going to stop the alarm from sounding is by getting up and retrieving it!