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Romo Smartphone-Controlled Robot – Your iPhone gets playful

Romo Smartphone Controlled Robot

For many people, the iPhone isn’t just some gadget you use to get through your day; it’s a friend, a buddy that’s always there for you in your time of need. Now your pal can get expressive and even become independent enough to venture forth on his own.

Romo Smartphone-Controlled Robot is the type of robot everyone would love to have. He’s so cute that you’d never imagine him eventually helping other robots and overthrowing humanity so that he and others like him can become our robot overlords.

No. Instead of being a threat, Romo is the life of the party and a never-ending source of entertainment for you. Without any programming experience at all, you can program this little guy to do your bidding or allow him to roam around on his own, exploring his home while taking pictures of his environment. If you have at least an iPhone 4S, Romo can even provide two-way video communication between you and someone else.

The iPhone-controlled robot is equipped with tank treads that allow him to go across concrete, wood, low pile and high pile carpet, grass, and dirt, and he’s able to tilt up to 45° backward or 15° forward to get a better look at his world.

Your iPhone can get a personality, along with a cute little face, for $149.99.

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