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Scalextric Digital RCS – veteran toy now delivers slot car racing with your Bluetooth smartphone


Well it didn’t take long for the rivalry to heat up, and no we’re not talking about Samsung vs Nokia this time, it’s all about slot car racing. For a long time very little has happened in the tiny cars racing round slot tracks market, but suddenly Anki arrived, and now things are popping.

The new Scalextric RCS (for Race Control System) lets you ‘create and manage’ races using a handheld SMART Bluetooth device. The kit lets you set up lap numbers, fuel, tire wear in-race damage and more, even car handling and throttle management.


The whole thing is controlled via Bluetooth units attached to the track, and what makes it very cool is the fact that you can even program in a yellow flag mode when a car comes off the track, so the other cars automatically slow down just like in real life. There’s a shed load of customization you can do to the race and cars with the new system, and you can also post results and lap times to Twitter and Facebook to keep your friends and fans entertained.

Who said slots were boring? The kits start at £39.99 and go up to £99.99 for the base Scalextric Digital RCS Pro version. Vroommmmm….!

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