Every now and then it’s fun to make something that is not only dangerous, but serves no real purpose in life, except to simply look awesome. Most of these things involve either high speeds, or fire. In my search for a guide to make an interesting pumpkin carving for Halloween, I stumbled across the perfect dangerous solution: A flamethrowing Jack-O’-Lantern.
Don’t want kids coming up and begging for candy? I can guarantee that if there’s a pillar of fire coming out of a pumpkin, they’ll pass up your door in favor of easy treats. Of course, the downside is that it will likely result in some other people coming to your door, and not for treats. If you really do want to have one of the most interesting houses on the street, you can find instructions on how to build your own fire-breathing pumpkin here. Just remember to be very, very safe with it, and keep it pointed away from any area where someone might come in contact with it.