When I go to bed at night, I want to sleep undisturbed by my phone. I have enough trouble slumbering through the night without some random text or phone call waking me up. And with my unusual schedule, it’s not all that uncommon for such a call to occur. Usually I’ll just turn the sound off completely and forget about it. The downside to this is that I tend to forget to actually turn the ringer back on. Sometimes it will be 10 at night before I think to look at my phone again, and I’ll find half a dozen missed texts and calls.
There’s nothing to be done for this, except to either leave the ringer on all night, or get a better memory. If I had an Android phone, however, this would be a different case. Thanks to a new app called Shush!, you’ll never have your phone on silent any longer than you want. This simple and lightweight app allows you to turn off your ringer, and specify just how long it stays off. After the time has passed, you will hear calls, texts and other notifications like normal. The best part is that you won’t have to pay a dime for it.
Androids are the best phone can supports thousands of application.
There is also Silent Sleep that will can change the ringer off during certain times (alarms still work). It's great for those with regular sleep patterns and Shush looks useful for all the other times.
Silent Sleep – https://market.android.com/details?id=com.boom.si…
This would be great if it had exceptions. Some calls I want, no matter what. Some I don't.
I use it to my classes. I always forget to turn the ringer on after them.