huh..? posted by

Soft Claws.


Soft Claws. A range of delightfully designed claw covers for your cat. In different colours too. So now you can not only destroy your feline’s credibility audibly  – you have attached a tinkly bell already, eh? – but also make them the laughing stock of their back alley with a beautiful visual motif. Nice one. Also available for dogs, hah hah! $17.95 and good luck with trying to glue them on, dude. [Update: UK stockists].[Via Presurfer]

 Developed by a veterinarian, Soft Claws are vinyl nail caps that glue on to your cat’s claws. It covers the claw tips so no damage occurs when your cat scratches. Each package of Soft Claws contains 40 nail caps, 2 tubes of adhesive, applicator tips and easy to follow instructions. One package contains enough nail caps for 4 applications on Kitty’s front paws. Each application lasts approximately 4-6 weeks so one package lasts about 4-6 months.


  • Also know as the ‘how-to-make-your-cat-want-to-kill-and-eat-you’-O-matic

  • I know what my kitty is getting as a belated Christmas gift :D

  • These things suck. They are very hard to glue onto your cats feet and they don’t stay on. The worst part is they come off whenever your cat starts clawing at something so you still end up with scratched up stuff. Another bad thing is whenever you accidentally get some spuerglue stuck onto your cats fur or glue some fur under the rubber claw cap.. It causes pain for the cat — you have to use smelly acetone to get the thing back off, then you have to keep your cat from licking the acetone off its foot.

    After trying these things out you’ll probably still go for the de-claw no matter how inhumane you think it is — one day of pain for your cat is no match for the hell it will go through getting these things glued on it every day.

    On the upside though, they make your cat’s feet look cool.

  • Nice feedback John, thanks. I had a feeling that kitty would not be that co-operative with regard to putting them on… :-)

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