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Sony Xperia Z1 & friends – exclusive hands on with the new Sony super phone, Smart Watch, QX10 WiFi lens and more [Video]


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…whatever has happened to Sony? Talk about a turnaround. The company is now on some kind of roller coaster of cool product launches, each one seeming to be more innovative than the last. Has it hired Tony Stark or something? Anyway the latest launch is the Xperia Z1, a veritable monster of a smartphone in every way.

We were fortunate enough to be invited to the 39th floor of a very exclusive London eatery yesterday to sample not just some delicious sushi, but also grab some hands-on time with the full stable of the latest Sony product launches. On offer was the Xperia Z1 itself, alongside the new Sony Smart Watch, the very interesting QX10 WiFi lens and the SVH Mini Phone, which is also rather cool.


We spent the time grabbing any Sony rep we could see floating around to explain the functions and features of these new products, and in some cases forcing them to inflict torture on their products to prove their worth. Have you ever seen a phone water-boarded? Well you will now. The Xperia Z1 is an extremely desirable product, with the stonking 20 megapixel camera and one of the most stunning displays we’ve ever seen. Yes it’s a large handset, especially compared to the Samsung S4 with the same sized screen, but the inclusion of that gorgeous display and the massive 3000mAh battery gives us every reason to excuse the size.


We came away at the end of the evening with the distinct impression of a company which has found some renewed self-confidence, and which is determined to restore its place on the technological stage once more. We make no apologies for being long time Sony fans, we were enthusiastic supporters of the company’s unique blend of style and technical expertise way back in the day, and we were the first to express sadness when it seemed to slip away.


However, far from doing a Microsoft, the company really seems to be making a comeback in style. As one of the Sony representatives so rightly said, the company has a unique portfolio of not just technological expertise, but also valuable content in the shape of games, movies and music, which means that once they bring all the platforms together in one seamless package, the results could be amazing.


For now, we’ll let you kick back and enjoy watching some of the technology from the launch day in action. Our full review of the Xperia Z1 will hopefully follow shortly, so this is just a taster of what’s on offer from the Japanese giant. The official launch dates of these products varies, but all of them should be available in stores by the end of this month, and from the sound of it, there will be some very attractive special deals on offer for those who book early.


For instance the phone is on offer in the UK with either a free Sony Smart Watch or free QX10 WiFi Lens, which is not a bad deal at all if you’re in the market for either of those types of product. Anyway, enjoy the video, and please forgive any dodgy camera work…it was difficult enough to hear over the noise on the balcony, let alone handle the camera one handed, ask questions and keep things flowing.


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