The Street Mouse VoIP is a bit of a confused chappie. Doesn’t know whether it’s an 800 dpi optical mouse, a Skype and VoIP speakerphone or a strangely shaped copyright free motor model with working tail and headlights. The world’s first PC meta-peripheral? £21.95.
The feature which catapults this terrific novelty mouse to the daddy of all is its fully integrated mic and speaker which makes it perfect for making those low-cost VOIP calls that all the cool kids are talking about. Just connect your mouse via its USB adapter and you’ve got all the equipment you need to make phonecalls over the internet. Street Mouse VOIP There’s also some good quality headphones included which you can plug into the 3.5mm jack plug if you want to listen in private, while the speaker will also blast out your MP3s if you’d rather listen to music.