The latest moves by Facebook to tie WhatsApp users more closely to Facebook haven’t gone down too well on the net. The result is a fair number of people who are planning or who have already left WhatsApp for more private shores. The problem is, how to let your contacts know you now prefer to use Signal, Telegram or any of the other more private messaging apps? Step up the free open source Watomatic app. This nifty little tool lets…
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Siku – the social media app made for and by Inuit people
Social media doesn’t serve every need for every community. It’s not one size fits all. The Siku app was created for and by Inuit people to help them hunt and live on the ice. It combines traditional knowledge with technology and to create an amazing resource.
Read MoreEarth Now – keep on eye on the climate with this app
We talk about climate change a lot but it’s hard to see in our day to day lives. After all, we’re just out here, living. Although you may think it seems hotter than it was last year, it’s probably not something you dwell on. If you want to see how the planet is doing with your own eyes, download the Earth Now app.
Read MoreAXIS Gear – get app control over your blinds
A home with shades that open and close on their own is some science fiction future action and the future is now! Check out AXIS Gear, the smart blind adapter that lets you control your windows with an app.
Read MorePlaybrush – turn the morning routine into game time
Good dental hygiene is very important and the best way to ensure that you have it is really to start early in life. Instill the basics of brushing your teeth in your little one with the Playbrush, the smart toothbrush that turns cleaning your teeth into an actual game.
Read MoreBe My Eyes – app helps you borrow someone’s sight with a smartphone
The world is not super accessible to people who live with disabilities which is a problem. Although there’s still a lot of work to do in that realm, there’s an app that wants to help blind and low-vision people navigate the world. Be My Eyes let people in need borrow the sight of others.
Read MoreTap – find water wherever you go
Drinking water is SO GOOD for you. You probably aren’t drinking enough and you should do more. But plastic bottles are so not good for the earth and you should use less of them. So what do you do when you’re out and about, trying to stay hydrated while not creating more pollution? Check out tap, the app that tells you were you can fill up your bottle.
Read MoreCarrot – the snarky weather report app
Weather, we all have to deal with it, pretty much every day. Get your weather forecast with a side of snark with Carrot, the weather app that tells you the weather and hopefully gives you a little laugh too.
Read MoreTransit – the app that keeps you on track
Getting from place to place can be tricky. Different public transpiration lines, traffic, road closures, all of these things are obstacles to getting from where you’re at to where you want to be. Don’t let anything slow you down, Transit is the app that will help you reach your destination no matter what.
Read MoreJust Watch – plan your streaming services
There are so many new streaming sites. Just. . . so many. And they don’t all have the same stuff but they all have good stuff. If you want to be sure you’re getting the shows you want and you don’t want to pay for all the things, check out Just Watch, the app and website that helps you find who’s streaming what.
Read MoreThe Fabulous – your life couch in app form
There are habits that we could all be better about. Whether it’s getting more physical activity, spending more time resting to heal, or just remembering to drink water, we could probably all be doing better somewhere. The Fabulous is the app to help you foster good habits.
Read MoreEarworms Musical Brain Trainer – learn a new language with the power of music
Learning a new language is a goal that many people have for many different reasons. It’s not easy though. There are a lot of programs and apps out but this one is a bit unique. Earworms Musical Brain Trainer will help you learn a new language with music.
Read MoreLanguage Navi – the app that translates other apps
There are some cool apps out there that are not in English. Sometimes this isn’t really much of a problem as you can figure out from context what to do but other times, that’s harder. Language Navi is the app that translates other apps.
Read MoreMoon+ Reader Pro – this app has you covered on all reading bases
If you’ve been around the site for awhile, you’ve noticed that we like to read. It’s fundamental! Most people who are readers do so these days through e-readers and apps. The Moon+ Reader Pro app is the reader app that does it all from editing to just enjoying.
Read MoreNotOK – this app helps to make reaching out easier
When you’re struggling with your mental health, it’s not always easy to reach out for help. In fact it can be impossible to let people know that you’re struggling. The notOK app is one possible tool to help more people access the support they need. This app is a one push emergency button.
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