Remember the hole in the ozone layer? It was a big deal in the 80s and 90s. Such a big deal that nations signed the Montreal Protocol and agreed to stop producing chemicals that were destroying the ozone. Well it’s been 33 or so years since that went into effect and good news, the ozone layer has made a come back.
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Rust Powered – new breakthrough uses rust as secret ingredient in hydrogen fuel
The world runs on energy. A lot of it and we need to move away from emission causing energy sources. Hydrogen fuels have been one that researchers look towards. A new breakthrough using, of all things, rust lead to a massive production of hydrogen that is potentially safer.
Read MoreThe Climate Crisis Is Now – parts of the world are already feeling the change
We talk about the climate crisis as if it is a future event but we’re already being affected by it all over the world. You’ve no doubt heard about the warm year we just had but it’s not just the heat. We’re already seeing food shortages, floods, and other issues.
Read MoreThis Winter Warmest On Record for Planet – second warmest for Europe
It’s not in your head, this past winter really was mild for Europe. It is the second warmest on record for the continent beat out only by the 2015/2016 year. This may seem like a good thing, after all, no one likes a bitter cold winter, but it’s not such a great trend.
Read MoreMan Made Emissions – ice cores show that we’ve been releasing them for some time
Climate change is a naturally occurring event. Many of the gasses we categorize as emissions are released naturally through a number of events and this has been the case since the beginning of time. The climate crisis however is something completely man made and ice tells us how long we’ve been spitting out emissions.
Read MoreAir Pollution is Making Us Sick – the troubling reality of smog
Environmental discussions can be extremely polarizing but one thing that nearly everyone can agree on is that air pollution is a problem that should be taken seriously. In fact, it’s more of a problem than previously thought. A new study revealed that air pollution may shorten life expectancy of almost three years globally.
Read MoreLosing Biodiversity Is A Huge Problem – without it, climate change will be more devastating
Even if you’re not too outdoors-y, you’ve probably heard of Roundup, the popular herbicide. It’s used by many farmers to protect their crops from weeds but spraying the chemical releases glyphosate over more than just the fields, it’s get everywhere and effects everything, especially in the water. This is causing loss of biodiviersity which may mean less chance for many species survival as the climate changes.
Read MoreSustainable and Harmonious – a solid plan for the future
Sustainable living is an important factor when thinking about the climate crisis and how to move against it. It does not make sense to start using a metal straw for occasional drinks that need it when you are still bringing home a ton of plastic from the grocery store. Sonam Wangchuk gives a more opened ended perspective in this fabulous interview.
Read MoreOcean Conservation Should Start ASAP – ocean biodiversity needs protection
Oceans are beautiful and full of life. There are so many different types of organisms that live beneath the waves. There’s so much diversity it’s staggering! And about a quarter of it needs serious conservation.
Read MoreShrubs Against Climate Change – this simple plant may be the key to revitalizing an area
We talk about planting trees a lot to help in the climate crisis but those aren’t the only green life that can help. In South Africa there’s an unlikely hero in the fight against climate change. The spekboom, a type of succulent shrub that shows promise in turning things around for the area.
Read MoreAustralia Fires Worst On Record – more to come with the climate crisis
The wildfire in Australia was very, very bad. More than a fifth of the forests in the country were burned. The fires started after a very long period of drought that was caused by the climate crisis. The bad news is that with the crisis ongoing, there will be more incidents like this in the future.
Read MoreClimate Change Slideshow – check out these photos
Climate change and the climate crisis are pretty abstract terms to most people. We still have seasons that come and go. Still cold in the winter, hot in summer. If you don’t live somewhere that is seeing the early effects of the issue it’s easy to believe that these problems are made up or blown out of proportion. Check out this slideshow to see how the planet is really changing.
Read MoreFuture Heatwaves May Lead to Blackouts – the power girds won’t be able to handle the strain
Heatwaves are going to be a major problem with the climate crisis especially for people who live in urban centers. High usage during high temperatures will likely be too much strain on the power grids causing blackouts and leaving the vulnerable without protection.
Read MorePlastic Guide – check out this info-graphic on plastic
Plastic is in everything. It’s in EVERYTHING. Look around you, just thinking about how much plastic surrounds you, how much you’re literally holding if you’re reading this on a mobile device. We can all agree that it’s not great but it’s all not created equal. Here’s a handy chart of each of the major plastic types.
Read MoreGroundwater Is In Trouble – climate change is going to mean big changes for our water sources
One of the major concerns in the climate crisis is water. To recap, everything needs water to live. Some need more than others. Humanity needs kind of lot. And it’s drying up. Groundwater levels are being loss fairly quickly and this is bad news for the planet.
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