Saving is hard. Putting a little bit of money aside every pay is difficult, especially if you don’t have a whole lot to begin with. Financial advice is always, “Stop doing anything that gives you joy,” which isn’t exactly great advice. Digit is a neat app that helps you save money by doing it for you.
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Airfordable – lock in low ticket prices with this site
Travel does the soul good. There’s nothing quite like getting out of your town and going on an adventure. Plane tickets are expensive though and you may not have the money to get the best deal before price hikes. Airfordable recognized this and started a layaway plan for plane tickets.
Read MoreFood Kracker – defrost only what you need
It makes sense, from a financial standpoint, to buy your food in bulk which means that unless it’s shelf stable, it more than likely has to be frozen. If you’re tired of having to thaw a whole bag of something to cook a single meal, get the Food Kracker, the device that lets you portion out frozen foods.
Read MoreBread Spreads Calculator – check out this free calculator and never go hungry again
We use calculators for all sorts of things. High-level math, tips, timing, but the real struggle is figuring out how much peanut butter we need to buy. Not just peanut butter, any spread that makes life worth living. Lucky for us, Bread Spreads Calculator is there for us.
Read MoreShine Dokkiri Bank – got money to burn? Shred it instead
Saving money is important and if you’re an adult, you probably save your money in a bank. That’s not as visually stimulating as saving in a piggy bank though. Freak your friends out with the Shine Dokkiri Bank, the piggy bank that “shreds” your money.
Read MoreMistbox – keep your AC on high but your electric bill on low
It’s summer so you may have seen some higher electric bills because you need your AC to live. You could turn it down or even off if you don’t mind turning into a literal puddle on the floor to save some money. Or you could check out the Mistbox, the AC attachment to save you some cash.
Read MoreWaterpebble – save the Earth and a little bit of money on your next shower
Saving water is an important thing. Everyone knows that showers use less water than baths but there’s still some issues with knowing when you’ve used enough or even worse, too much water. The Waterpebble is a shower activated timer that lets you know when it’s time to get out and dry off.
Read MoreBest Parking – the app that helps you find the best parking space [FREEWARE]
The weather is finally getting warmer. Finally! Take that winter! Which means, more travel! Which also means, more paying for parking if you’re going to take your car into new cities. Best Parking is a website and app to help you find the cheapest and most efficient parking to your destination.
Read MoreFlipp – the app that can take your couponing to the next level [FREEWARE]
Couponing can save you so much money but it takes so much time. Going through circulars, clipping things, organizing them so they don’t expire before you can use them. Just so much work. Luckily, there’s an app for that. Flipp is an app that shoppers can use to make sure they’re always up on the deals.
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