The latest moves by Facebook to tie WhatsApp users more closely to Facebook haven’t gone down too well on the net. The result is a fair number of people who are planning or who have already left WhatsApp for more private shores. The problem is, how to let your contacts know you now prefer to use Signal, Telegram or any of the other more private messaging apps? Step up the free open source Watomatic app. This nifty little tool lets…
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Bye Bye Blackberry – The Top 10 Free BBM Messenger Alternatives For RIM Refugees Everywhere
Oh sweet Blackberry, where did it all go wrong? RIM (parent company of Blackberry) announced recently that it is selling the company for the bargain basement price of $4.7 billion (the company once had revenues of over $19 billion in a single year). The company will be taken over by a group of Canadian private equity firms, but what happens next is anybody’s guess. The future of the Blackberry brand is now uncertain, astonishing when you remember it was once…
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