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The 300 Billion Plan to Fight Climate Change – it’s dirt, just dirt

There’s a radical plan to slow down climate change from UN scientists. It’s going to cost $300 billion but it will buy the world 15-20 years to adapt climate neutral technologies. Is it some new technology? Some high priced program? Nope! The plan is simply turn the degraded land back into working soil and create carbon sinks.

Which is to say, they want to make unused and degraded land areas into forests or food crops. That’s it. Simply by doing that we’ll be able to recoup nearly two decades in which we can adopt carbon neutral technologies and lifestyles.

This isn’t the first time that we’ve talked about the use of soil in order to combat climate change. The actual Earth is one of our best weapons in reducing carbon from our air simply by returning green spaces to green. There are thousands of areas around the world that can be converted without harming existing habitats, human and animal alike. The price may sound radical but really, the concept isn’t at all.

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