We’ve all hoped that a radioactive spider would bite us and we would wake up with a toned body. While I’m afraid we’ll have to leave that fantasy in comic books, it doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to magically get a “perfect body”. There are diet pills, commercial diets, and all sorts of other ways to sink your money into something that may or may not work.
The Clinical Muscle Toner is another one of those items that will make you feel as though you’re improving your life, but are really just dumping money into another gimmick. It uses electronic muscle stimulation to painlessly and rhythmically contract and release your muscles. This handheld activator is $80 and is only one part of what’s needed to make this thing work, so you’re going to need to put in an additional $200+ if you want to actually get the toners for various parts of your body. There is the tricep, gluteus, and abdominal toner, and all cost $200 individually. You can control intensity and program length, and are supposed to “build up” to five 10-40 minute sessions a week. I will say that I’m quite skeptical about this. Mainly for the fact that I think that people will think that they can use only this and lose weight.