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The Fridge – keeping you posted on when your food is due to go post date


I don’t generally share paid apps, since you can usually find something to do the same job for free, but this one should actually help you save money by keeping you from throwing out your perishables before their time. Because, let’s face it, it’s really hard to remember that those avocados don’t last forever. The Fridge app keeps you updated on when your fresh foods are about to go bad on you.

The Fridge requires a bit of work on your part. You do have to let the app know what you’ve picked up from the grocer (I know, so much work!) but after that info is added, it lets you know how long you’ve got before those fresh veggies become a furry patch of mold in your fridge.


You can set custom timers, and set it up for freezer items as well. Of course, you might be thinking, why would I need to know how long something has been in the freezer? Ever found a half-finished pint of ice cream, covered in ice crystals? Ever eaten it? If you’ve experienced that horror then you know why you need to track your freezer items. Actually, this is really handy because it’s even harder to keep track of food items that can last for upwards of six months. Out of sight, out of mind. You can download The Fridge from the App Store for $1.99.


  • Interesting app for the extremely busiest professionals.

  • America wastes 1/3 of its food. What about “Use up” and “Pig farm” and “Compost” as options. Besides that, most foods are still perfectly edible and safe long after the date stamped on them. Look at it and smell it. That’s how it was done in the old days. Did any of your grandparents die of food poisoning? Food in America is too easy to come by.

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