There have been a myriad of iPhone cases that have a sort of wallet attached to the back of it. While those are all quite handy, it makes you really pare down which cards you have on hand. This could mean leaving behind a card you end up needing later on, which makes you wish you were still carrying a wallet around.
The major annoyance with carrying a wallet is having a lump in your pocket or bag. If there were a way to simplify things so that you only had to keep track of your phone, wouldn’t that makes things much easier? The Geode looks to carry all your cards for you, without making you do it yourself. This is an iPhone case that is used in tandem with an app that will let you access your most recently used cards. Of course you can customize it so that only certain cards are available, and it has its own standard of security as there is a biometric scanner. If a registered print isn’t used, the Geocard and e-ink screen will be completely useless. This will cost you about $200, and ships the first week of July.