The Walk on Water Ball is what you get when you cross a fishbowl and a hamster wheel. Dive through the orifice, line up the ball so water won’t get in and run for it. It can take up to one 80 kg person. The red and yellow dimples on the surface of the ball give it traction so you can race across the lake like a ballon in a gale. It’s probably pretty warm in there too, with the sun and stuff. Like running in a greenhouse. Oh well what do you care, you can walk on water. US$299.95 from Hammacher.
This giant 6′ inflatable sphere lets you walk across water as fast as you can stride thanks to hundreds of exterior inset cups that help “grip” the lake or ocean surface as you “clamber up” the sphere’s interior
Tags: gadget, outdoor+fun, walk+on+water+ball
We have these at the sports centre. Don't believe the hype – it's almost impossible to stand up in them!!
The best thing is to put a small child in, and laugh at his attampts to run… until he runs out of oxygen. Ahh happy days.
It's all fun and games until someone decides they want to play boat polo with you.