If you’re a college student on the go, you’ll occasionally find yourself stuck waiting for a bus, or just killing time between classes. There are plenty of things you can bring with you to keep yourself entertained, but what if the very bag you use to hold things could be used for such entertainment? If you have the Electronic Rock Guitar Bag, then you can churn out some sweet jams at the bus stop.
The rather standard messenger bag has a picture of a guitar on the front, but it’s more than just a picture. You can actually interact with the frets and imaginary strings. Just hook up the included mini amp (which goes to 11) and start strumming. All of the major chords (and sharps) are there, so you can churn out some of your favorite tunes. At $50, I’d say it will be well worth your money if you like making music.
Rock n’ roll, cool article mate, thanks a lot!