You know how we all ache for those simpler times back in the 80s, when mixtapes weren’t digital and things had to bright colors and not matt metallic grey? Yeah those times. OK, maybe they weren’t that great after all, but they feel like they should have been great.
Well now you can sort of relive the experience with the ThumbsUp iRecorder. This ridiculous product is a total replica of an old school cassette tape recorder, but instead of all those whirring spools you get a slot to drop in your iPhone or any phone that fits and supports a 3.5mm jack. After which the gadget acts like a speaker for your listening enjoyment.
The best bit, it not only is it a fairly decent external speaker , but it has real working buttons, and you can answer calls on the loudspeaker like a real hands-free unit. Most importantly, you get to put on all your old clothes, re-do the hair and jink about looking like a fruit cake. Bargain we say. Priced at £19.97.