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Trompe l’oeil art – awesome 3D artists and their works


Trompe l’oeil – or trick of the eye – art can be absolutely extraordinary when produced by a master. Here are some of the most amazing demonstrations of the art around.


John Pugh produces ‘monumental’ scale art on walls, buildings and interiors which are so realistic it sometimes takes your breath away. Astonishing stuff.







RonfrancistrompeloeilRon Francis is a universally acclaimed master of the art and it shows. This window with children playing outside in a garden may not be real, but it is truly delightful.







JulianbeevertrompeloeilJulian Beever creates astonishing pavement art which seems to spring up from the ground with a vivid 3D power that is simply mesmerising.





LiubolintrompeloeilChinese artist Liu Bolin has already run afoul of the Chinese authorities because his work is considered subversive, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s brilliant. The invisible man indeed. More here.





Trompeloeil3For a fabulous collection of stunning trompe l’oeil images from France (with before and after shots via the precedente/suivante links) take a look at the site. This example features a cinema frontage in Cannes. I could spend hours on this site just browsing while oohing and ahhing. Stunning stuff.

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