BitTorrent + RSS = TiVo ?
Now here’s interesting. Scott Raymond posits the idea that by combining RSS feeds with BitTorrent sites holding television shows, you could set up a TiVo ‘season pass’ service on your personal computer without needing to own a TV. The really fascinating thing is that this could benefit the content owners as well. [via PVRBlog]
‘I want RSS feeds of BitTorrent files. A script would periodically check the feed for new items, and use them to start the download. Then, I could find a trusted publisher of an Alias RSS feed, and �subscribe� to all new episodes of the show, which would then start downloading automatically � like the �season pass� feature of the TiVo….If ABC released Alias on BitTorrent with advertising built in, the file could be delivered to their audience very fast, and would cost them next to nothing in distribution costs.