hmm..interesting posted by


For those of us that travel on a somewhat constant basis, it can be difficult to remember everything we need to bring when we leave the house. There are so many little things that don�t seem so important when in the process of packing that we forget them. Prime examples of this �left behind� scenario are the ever so common toothbrush and toothpaste. If you�re on a business trip and don�t have the ability to brush your teeth before a meeting, you�re going to make the wrong impression.

There�s an awesome concept out right now that is simply called the Twist&Brush. Created by Kawamura Ganjavian, this simple yet extremely effective brush is meant specifically for those with a nomadic lifestyle. It takes your toothbrush and toothpaste and makes them one. A twisting bottom that looks a bit like a syringe base holds your toothpaste and with each turn will come up under the bristles. The numbers on the base of this toothbrush also lets you fill it with the needed amount of toothpaste so that you have just enough for your trip. As long as you don�t forget this whole thing at home, it would be perfect for those of us that are on the go.

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