Twitcritics is an aggregator that scours the Twitterverse� looking for tweets referring to current movies. It then determines whether the tweet is positive or negative and adds them all up giving the movie a rating. All the tweets are linked and visible so it’s easy to click through and check to see if it’s a genuine Twitter account or shameless astroturfer.
It’s not perfect though, that’s what the Beta bit is all about I guess. For instance Amelia is currently playing and from the tweets I looked at, it’s picking up things like “amelia goes to me why are you fat natalie yells stop saying that she is not!!…” thus rating the movie as thumbs down, and things like “Amelia singing me Happy Birthday – priceless. Love my kiddos.”, rating the movie thumbs up. It’s not all bad though, there are plenty of valid tweets and the algorithm seems to be doing a good job sorting them out. Site visitors can also wade through the reviews and tidy it up to help with the process and the owners are working to improve the accuracy. I reckon sites like this must send marketing people apoplectic.
TwitCritics automatically gathers tweets about new movies written by people like you. Twitcritics then determines if those collected tweets are positive or negative to give you a rating and critique from people just like you.
Tags: twitcritics, twitter, twitter+app, movie+review