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USB Drum Kit


The USB Drum Kit is just the thing for…long suffering parents. Throw out the painfully loud Pearl kit, stick a pair of headphones on the little tyke and get some peace at last. Just don’t blame us if you end up with a house full of mySpace groupies when he makes it big. £129.95 ($243.00).

 Whether you’re a total novice or a seasoned skinbasher, the USB Drum Kit is an ideal practice kit as it can be played through headphones for virtually silent practice. The only noise housemates will hear is the tippity-tap of sticks on the kit’s rubber trigger pads. And what about all those thwacktastic drum and cymbal sounds? Well, the USB Drum Kit’s ‘brain’ contains 233 realistic drum sounds and 50 preset rhythm patters, so you can have a bombastic rock kit one minute and a crisp funk kit the next. You can even compose complete arrangements and create and save your own customised patterns and songs.

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