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Use a hot water bottle to heat your bed for a little bit of nothing

I’ve been happy to enjoy 70-degree weather for the past couple of days here in the Midwest. However, the forecast says that the cold temperatures will be coming back today. This means I’ll be looking for ways to keep warm without kicking on the furnace. If you’re worried about heating costs, here’s a great little tip that could help make your bed nice and toasty for the night, without running any extra heaters.

First, invest in a nice hot water bottle like this one (not the one pictured above). Then, when you’re showering before bed, fill up this bottle while you’re in there (you’re already using the hot water, so the cost of using it to fill up this bottle will be negligible). Now, make sure it’s nice and dry, and put it near the foot of your bed, under the blankets. If you’re heading to bed within an hour or so, you’ll find a very nice warm spot when you get there. If you have enough blankets, they should provide enough insulation to keep you toasty for a good portion of the night.

via LifeHacker


  • My first thought was that this is a joke. I fear not.

    How about this. Keep the water bottle in the engine compartment and use it after a trip.

    Pour your pasta water into it.

    Have your family take a leak in it.

    Leave it out all day to insure room temperature under the covers at night.

  • Good advice, energy saving etc etc etc but – don't forget the cover for the hot water bottle.

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