Mmm….eXlinks. An unknown, unexplained, wannabe viral social linking service that promises to improve your web site traffic, readership, cure cancer and provide absolute protection against the common cold. But only if you sign up all your mates before it launches. Sounds kind of MLM to us, but what do we know? Anyhoo click on the affiliated link above and sign up for the service (using your super safe email address!) because the Ferret wants to report on whether it’s actually worth squat when it finally launches. What are the odds….?
exlinks is the ultimate, exponential link-swapping, site exploding system, and its completely free. signing up now will guarantee you a spot in the beta, updates through the news letter, and a few extra benefits.
The cure the common cold and cancer was not part of the original concept for eXlinks. But we’ll add it to the project list ;-)
This is not the first time that the question of whether eXlinks is based on MLM principles and the best answer I can honestly give is that MLM involves money changing hands and normally involves using a network to distribute proudcts and or services.
The aim of eXlinks is to provide a free service that will enable users to create a FREE network of links that link to other people based on who you refer and who comes to the party.
Would it be difficult to create a subnetwork of links? Depends on how good your own marketing startegy is :)
then again with the number of blogging people on the internet today exceeding 200 million, the possibility of finding a handful of people to link into your own virtual network can be anything but a daunting task ;-)
One thing that is constant amongst bloggers is that almost every blogger on the planet, knows at least 1 other blogger.
Best of luck and keep an eye on your email for further info on eXlinks.
Heh, thanks for the info Paul, I wasn’t trying to be snarky, more like curious. :-) From your description it sounds like an interesting project from all angles, so I’ll be watching with interest over the coming weeks and months. Good luck! :-)