Contactless cards are starting to become the new fashion nowadays. The allure of being able to pay for your cup of coffee with a mere flourish of a card, no sign in or PIN hassle, is apparently too hard to resist for Joe Public. But there are, of course risks with relying on RFID technology, the main one being the fact that these cards can be ‘read’ from a distance with the right equipment, which could lead to scamming and worse.
The Voyager Blue card is a shield which protects your contactless credit and other cards from being legitimately accessed by nasty folk, simply by providing a metallic shield through which readers (aka scanners) cannot pass. Read this for a bit more info on the potential problem.
The product is handy because it’s the same shape and size as a generic credit or debit card, and it because it doesn’t cost very much, it’s kind of a no-brainer if you’re someone who travels a lot, even daily commuting, and feel that you could be vulnerable. It’s available for £3.99 and is suitable for all cards (including Oyster) operating at 13.56MHz.