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Wall Projection Scale makes your weight a little easier to read

Scales are interesting devices. You stand on them, then look down to your feet to see what you weigh. If you’re nice and trim, you won’t have any issues seeing what the numbers say. However, there are those people out there that can’t easily see between their feet because of their weight. To get around this issue, one can purchase the Wall Projection Scale.

This device operates much like any ordinary scale. The difference is that your weight will be projected onto the wall in front of you, making the numbers very easy to read. This is not only beneficial for those who are battling a beer gut, but also for people who have poor eyesight. The display can be set to show the numbers at a height of between 2 and 6 feet on the wall. If this sounds like something you’d like, you’ll need to shell out $70 for one.

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