With one of these Warn PullzAll portable lifting tools on your utility belt, it won’t matter if Vicki Vale weighs a little more than 108, you’ll still escape the bad guys. Capable of lifting or pulling 450 kg the PullzAll is a lot easier to fit in your tool box than 4 burly blokes.
It comes in AC or DC powered versions, has 4.5 metres (15 feet) of 7/32″ steel cable, forward/reverse switching and a variable speed trigger. Keeping you safe is an integrated hook-and-swivel anchor, an electronic load limiter with LED display, and a dynamic brake. The DC version runs on a 24 volt NiCad battery and the AC versions come in 110V and 230V localised versions.
Prices vary greatly around the place but Amazon seems to be the cheapest, at around US$300 for the DC and US$220 for the AC. There are quite a few accesories as well. Oh and superheroes should probably go for the DC version.
The PullzAll is a powerful, lightweight, easy-to-use handheld electric tool with the ability to lift or pull up to 1,000 lbs. A strong motor and variable speed control allow you to move heavy items into place smoothly and precisely. These features equate to saving both time and money.
Tags: gadget, pullzall, warn+pullzall, portable+lifting+tool, portable+winch