So, we’ve passed the 10,000th post. Phew, sounds exhausting. I’m pretty proud of the figure, even though it’s not world shattering by some standards. It took me 8 years to get here, and compared with uber bloggers like Peter Rojas at Engadget and Joel Johnson at Boing Boing we’re very much small potato stuff. But tha knows, I were never really interested in mere hugeness, but rather fun-ness, so I’m ecstatic to have reached 10,000 without falling flat on my face.
Original Red Ferret Logo (Adam Powell)
History. The Ferret was, I believe, the first gadget eclectica blog in the world (I remember Julie’s wonderful Gadgeteer site and a website from a TV program called The Gadget Guru as more conventional web sites of the time) and so it’s been really interesting to see the massive growth in the field over the past years. First Nick’s Gizmodo arrived to keep me company and then the trickle turned into a flood with Engadget and the other big stars coming to play. I’m not going to get maudlin, but just to say that it’s been great to watch the whole sector take off and shine in terms of coverage, professionalism and enthusiasm.
Our Style. I also take a little pride in the fact that we’ve always maintained a difference in the way we did things. Not so mainstream maybe, a little off-the-wall, not so serious and hopefully always with an interesting slant and core set of values. OK, so we’ve never been the coolest kids on the block, but we certainly have been some crazy, which is good. I suppose the stats speak for themselves. We’ve grown organically for eight years to the extent where we now get over a million visitor sessions a month, which is not bad for a cutesy red polecat. We’ve never spent a penny on advertising and we’ve never chased numbers for the sake of numbers. We’re just happy to try and entertain and inform.
The Future? Well, it’s no coincidence that I chose the Core77 Greener Gadgets Design Competition as the 10,000th post. It’s become clear to me over the past year or so that gadgets per se are going to have to fit into a new world order very soon. One where energy, ecology and cost of consumption play a huge role. No matter what anyone says, the years of profligacy are coming to an end, and in its inimitably pioneering way, The Ferret is going to track that trend and hopefully be a part of its development.
Oh and by the way it’s time to retire Red. He’s been a good mate of mine for all those years, a great nom de plume and a stalwart protector of my wish to stay anonymous in the early days of the Ferret. His work is now done and he will be given a nice condo near the beach in Florida with as much Haagen Dazs as he can eat. In his place Nigel Powell will emerge blinking into the sunlight – author, columnist and all round – very round – weird egg. Red will be fine, honest.
I’ll try to keep improving the Ferret to keep all you good folk happy. I have been toying with the idea of opening up the contributions to others who would like to post their own tech eclectica, although I don’t know whether you would think that would work or not. Your views are, as always, very welcome. I’d definitely like to see more commenters join our happy band, after all a blog has to have discussion otherwise it’s just a web page, right? Discuss, joke, dismiss, critique, correct and above all enjoy the Ferret comment section. It’s there for you to play with.
Thanks. So all that remains is to say a HUGE thank you to all you dear readers, to all my colleagues in the blogosphere and gadget world, all the companies who keep the interesting products flowing and of course, my Mother. Hey, what would a retrospective, self referencing post be without a bit of family love? Oh and a massive thank you to all the tech supporters and technology that runs the ship – Alex, Fahim, Tom, Teli and of course Matt for WordPress.
Here’s to all of you, from all of me. And Red.
Cheers and pip pip!
(now I’d love to hear from you newcomers and long time Ferret readers in the comments. Just to know you’re still there!)
Congratulations on a very noble milestone!
And regarding Engadget and Gizmodo (or even the dozens of other non-gadget feeds I get backed up on)…Red Ferret is the only gadget blog I read every single day. I don’t have time to comb through every incremental cell phone update or new ipod accessory. RFJ gives me the perfect balance of curious usefulness on an easy to digest schedule.
I have no problem seeing what would happen with more contributors, but please leave a “classic” feed for us old timers who are perfectly content with things just the way they are. =]
Congrats Ferret. Wow, 10,000 posts! Thats a huge milestone. Keep up the great work.
Yeah, well done.
Found this site about a year ago, checked it pretty much every day sice. Love the off-the-wall style and that you have not jumped on the “iBandwanggon” and published article after atricle on the same bloody product.
Keep it weird guys and gals! A nice antidote to everything else.
congrats dude :) .. & here’s to the next 10,000 ….
could we see your top ten posts of all time !! ??
actually that sounds like way to much hard work.. just keep bringing us the best new stuff :) which you do so well..
all you need now is a mac ;)
Hi and thank you for so many great posts!
I’m deeply saddened by Red’s retirement, and I only hope this new Nigel guy can actually cut the mustard. I’m not quite ready to accept a human after all these years of weaselly prose.
Congratulations, Nigel. There’s nothing quite like the Red Ferret Journal!
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments. It’s nice to know that you’re actually out there and not just some figment of my server logs. :-)
James, I’m hoping that the new guy will match Red’s style, enthusiasm and…ahem…polish. If he doesn’t, well it’s gonna be a short relationship. Heh!
Marc…A Mac? Heh heh!!
Lisa…it will stay classic. No New Coke allowed here. :-)
Twas 2004 when I first wondered through the hallowed Red Ferret doors, and I’ve been here stumbling around, happily bumping into things, ever since.
Congrats, and here’s to another 10,000 :)
PS. Checking back I’d forgotten the old domain name used to be (why that, I never worked out), but I’m very impressed to see it still works!
Ha, thanks Graeme and yes, I forgot about Enorgis. It was a spare domain I had lying around when I started off, and I just plunked it down. It was only when I realised that people were searching for the Red Ferret a fair amount on Google that I thought I’d better invest in a slightly more memorable domain like
I keep it going because there’s still a fair few people linking to it apparently. :-)
I have been reading Ferret for last 3 years or so, on a daily basis, and enjoy it very much. Thank you, and good luck with this project!
Congrats on retirement, Red. I’m not quite sure how eight human years stack up in Ferret years, but I’d imagine it would be in the order of one for 8, making it a gruelling sixty-four years! Now assuming that you started immediately after learning to walk, type, and surf the internet…
Congrats and welcome Nigel and thanks Red, you’ve been great. :)
Can’t wait to see what’s around the corner.
Congrats on the achievement, and keep up the good work :)
I learn alot AND most importantly, it’s FUN.
It’s the first and most frequent gadget site I frequent on a regular basis – highest praise indeed
Thanks alot – your efforts are very much appreciated.