With e-waste a growing worldwide problem, a bench made of keyboard keys could be an ideal solution. The Wolfgang Keyboard Bench is certain to add style to any room. Designed by Nolan Herbut, this sturdy bench is made from around two thousand recycled computer keys embedded on the surface of a Baltic birch wooden bench.
Not sure what it’s like to sit on, but you can actually push down each and every key since they’re attached the same way keys are fitted onto a regular keyboard. You can’t make music with it, but this is definitely a conversation piece!
The Wolfgang keyboard bench is made up of 2000 keys imbedded into a layered Baltic birch wood. Each key is pressable and actually makes a clicking sound when pressed. The tactile effect of the bench also makes a playful interaction with the bench because you engage with the piece of furniture in a very up close and intimate manner while pressing in the keys.
Tags: gadget, eco+gadget, wolfgang+keyboard+bench, computer+furniture, e+waste+recycling, nolan+herbut