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3 free VoIP programs for your mobile phone


Three free VoIP programs for your mobile phone. Enjoy!

  • Jajah Mobile. Available in Symbian or ‘universal’ Java versions, which means that you should be able to run it on your particular handset. An extension of the rather clever online Jajah phone to phone service, so definitely worth a look.
  • iSkoot. P2P Java application which only runs on a limited number of handsets, but which will eventually offer access to Skype, Google Talk and the rest of the IM crowd on your mobile phone. Currently Skype only, but still worth a test.
  • ROK Viper. Rather strange name, but interesting technology. It’s basically a Bluetooth connection manager between your PC and mobile phone which lets you make a conventional VoIP call from your mobile to anywhere in the world. Broadband and PC required, so less flexible than the other offerings.


  • Jajah seems to rely on free incoming calls to both mobiles to make it free or cheap– a feature that is not (usually) available on U.S. carriers like “Jugular” [Cingular]

    iSkoot is for calling Skype from your mobile… interesting, but VoIP is not widespread enough to warrant this feature instead of just calling the persons phone, as the cost is the same with this service (i.e. it is still a phone call).

    ROK Viper is essentially a cool way to turn your Bluetooth Phone into a handset for your regular PC connection. A fun hack, but not exactly revolutionary. That said, I thought it would be cool to use, but there is no Mac version.

    Lots of legwork on my part to get info you could have provided.

  • Thanks for your comment, sorry about the legwork. :-)

    1)iSkoot works out very much cheaper for an international mobile to mobile call I think you’ll find.

    2) Free incoming calls are a staple of most of the world’s mobile telecos outside the US. The Ferret is a global blog.

    3) I said that ROK Viper was ‘less flexible’, sorry there’s no Mac version. My bad.

    Thanks again.

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