When you have a bit of extra money, it’s hard to effectively split it between the things you want to save up for, and the ones you need. Having all of that money gathered up for something boring (but necessary) can be far too tempting for some people. That’s why it’s always good to have two places to store your money. One for necessities, and the other for fun. So how do you decide how much to put in each? Why not leave it up to fate?
This 50/50 Savings Bank reminds me of a very simple Pachinko machine. Instead of balls, you’ll be dropping in your change. It will then hit a number of pegs on the way down, ultimately landing in one of two compartments. You can write whatever you like on each, thus dedicating your money to two separate goals. Of course, even with this $20 contraption, you’ll still need self-control.