Author Archives: Scott

Awesome January 18, 2011 posted by Scott

The Millennium Table brings the classics to your living room, for a price

What we have here is a tabletop arcade machine that comes to us from across the pond in Europe. It was designed as a coffee table with an arcade system built-in, obviously. It holds 60 classic games including Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Asteroids, and other old favorites. Featuring a 19� LCD, a joystick, and fire buttons, you have pretty much everything you need. These are replicated on the other side for two-player action as well. Though is seems that it�s table…

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The Millennium Table brings the classics to your living room, for a price
future tech January 18, 2011 posted by Scott

Dadum Riplus Mouse

Many of us who like a certain aesthetic to be prevalent throughout the house choose very particular looking d�cor. Fans of the classic video game controllers and those in the medical profession may find this new mouse to be something they like. Having a completely glass body, this new Dadum Riplus Mouse that was seen at CES this year has a mainly see through body, with a huge black cross that houses all the technical stuff inside. It looks like…

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Dadum Riplus Mouse
hmm..interesting January 18, 2011 posted by Scott

Google Music Service coming soon?

Google seems to keep improving its service here there and everywhere. The huge rivalry between Google and Apple is still going strong as ever. A new picture from an Android 2.3 device is now showing a �sync Music� option, seeming to hint that a music synchronization service is on it�s way. We don�t really know if this is for certain or not, but it�s probably something we�ll see in the next year or two. It will definitely be fun to…

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Google Music Service coming soon?
cool tech January 18, 2011 posted by Scott

USB Rechargeable Battery Flash Drive

We all love multi-functionality, especially when something is re-usable. If you thought the rechargeable USB battery was awesome, you�ll probably flip over this concept. The AA battery is useful, but unless you have rechargeable ones, it can be a bit of a pain. It�s also extremely annoying to have your rechargeable batteries stuck somewhere behind a couch because it�s your only free outlet in the house. This AA Battery Flash Drive would also be a reusable battery. We�re all on…

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USB Rechargeable Battery Flash Drive
Free Software January 17, 2011 posted by Scott

Free software teaches you to read lips

Have you ever wanted to master the art of reading lips? Most of us that are fortunate enough to not have impaired hearing think of this skill as a novelty. However, even if you have perfect hearing, there can be situations where this is useful. Say, you’re in a noisy room, and are trying to hold a conversation with someone. Being able to read their lips can help prevent the need to ask �what?� repeatedly. Well if this is a…

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Free software teaches you to read lips
cool tech January 17, 2011 posted by Scott

Thermo Mirror takes your temperature while you admire yourself

It’s the time of year when it seems like everyone is getting sick. I spent nearly two weeks battling the flu myself not too long ago. One of the annoyances while trying to fight off illness is taking your temperature. You have to deal with a thermometer, which usually means sticking something under your tongue, waiting, then washing it off. After all, you don’t want those old germs going right back in your mouth the next time you check your…

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Thermo Mirror takes your temperature while you admire yourself
Fun & Games January 17, 2011 posted by Scott

Soundwagon plays your records by driving on them

Do you still have a collection of old vinyl records lying about? If you’re not necessarily an audiophile, you might not actually keep a bulky record player around anymore. However, if you still want to be able to dust off a record or two and play it now and then, here is an interesting way to do so, without taking up much space. Generally speaking, to play a record, you need to spin it at a very specific speed, and…

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Soundwagon plays your records by driving on them
Bizarre January 17, 2011 posted by Scott

Post on Twitter using Morse code

There are very few ways in which Twitter can be made more available to us. We already have it programmed into our phones, on our computer, and we have our friends tweet for us if we don�t have our own tech around. There are some of us though, who want to go back to the way things were. A simpler, yet much more difficult time that had Morse code dots and dashes to get letters out bit by bit instead…

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Post on Twitter using Morse code
Fun & Games January 17, 2011 posted by Scott

Hot Wheels Video Racer lets you record the racing action

When you were younger, what kind of toy car do you automatically remember playing with? It�s safe to say that most of your are thinking Hot Wheels. Though they were plenty of fun to play with in the past, Mattel was searching for a new interesting way to play with cars, and thought, �why not let people see what it�d be like to be on the track?� Thus came about the Video Racer, which has a built in camera, and…

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Hot Wheels Video Racer lets you record the racing action
Fun & Games January 17, 2011 posted by Scott

Skeleton Key Flash Drives

With all the designs that are out there, it�s becoming important to carry around a USB that says something about you, especially because they are exceptional conversation pieces. For those of you out there that are more retro-chic in style, you may want to check out this Skeleton Key Flash Drive that actually resembles an old-fashioned key. They come in pink, black, and white, and have a 2GB capacity. I can already spot some really obnoxiously cute �key to my…

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Skeleton Key Flash Drives
Bizarre January 14, 2011 posted by Scott

ScentScape brings smells to your movies

Have you ever gone to a movie and wanted to feel like you were really there? As if all the smells and sounds were real? This year at CES, ScentSciences released a bread loaf sized product that appeals to your nose�of all things. Movies that have been created with their ScentEditor software can make you smell all the smells that you would imagine to be on screen. It�s kind of a creepy way to put you more into the movie,…

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ScentScape brings smells to your movies
Gadgets January 14, 2011 posted by Scott

Motorola R331 Remote Control Finder

What happens when you�ve been watching you�re favorite show amidst walking around the house gathering snacks and such, and you lose the remote? Most of the time you have zero chances of finding it because you don�t have a call button for a remote. Well, Motorola knows of our woes as couch potatoes and has made us this spiffy charging station that has a big ole button that will make your item that�s lost in the abyss, findable again. When…

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Gadgets January 14, 2011 posted by Scott

Three-In-One Measuring Tape/Double Ruler/Level

Have you ever been doing a home project, and been extremely annoyed by how many tools you have to pull out to do one job? Fixit Laser has made a three-in-one device that will handle most, if not all of your needs for measuring and leveling. It comes with a measuring tape, three leveling bubbles at different angles, and a laser level. The measuring tape will go out 8 feet, and the laser will go as far as 13.75 feet….

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Three-In-One Measuring Tape/Double Ruler/Level
Mobile Tech January 14, 2011 posted by Scott

Agloves work with touchscreens, look like regular gloves

Winter can be harsh with all of its cold and snow, especially for those of us that have smart phones. Why you ask? We have to strip gloves off every time we want to be able to use the thing, which is really inconvenient and hard on your hands. Sure they�ve made some gloves that have conductive nubs or weird nipples, but what if you could wear plain ole gloves? No annoying bits or bobbles attached to them to make…

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Agloves work with touchscreens, look like regular gloves
Free Software January 14, 2011 posted by Scott

Google’s Translate app gets a conversation mode

One of my favorite online discoveries back when the internet was still somewhat new to me was Babelfish. The ability to instantly translate a block of text (and even entire websites) from one language to another was simply amazing. These days that sort of thing doesn’t seem like quite such a big deal. However, Google still manages to find new ways to amaze us with their various innovations, even in the world of translation. If you have an Android phone,…

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Google’s Translate app gets a conversation mode