Author Archives: Scott

Bizarre December 2, 2010 posted by Scott

Buy your own life-size space shuttle replica

How many of you wanted to grow up to be an astronaut? Something tells me that not many of you have actually managed to make it into outer space. Unfortunately the life of an astronaut seems to lose its appeal when you realize that you won’t spend the majority of your time exploring new worlds or jumping around in the moon’s lax gravity. That’s alright though, you can still pretend to be one. No, I don’t mean that you should…

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Buy your own life-size space shuttle replica
hmm..interesting December 2, 2010 posted by Scott

Skippable ads come to YouTube

It’s safe to say that YouTube has revolutionized the way the world views video content. It took them a while, but the company finally found a good way to let the uploaders make a bit of money off the content they provide. Unfortunately for the viewer, this means seeing ads. Sure, the little ones that pop up at the bottom aren’t too bad, as you can just click them away. What’s really annoying are the ones that have video advertisements…

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Skippable ads come to YouTube
Awesome December 2, 2010 posted by Scott

Construct your own Death Star ornament out of LEGOs

Since most of you have probably gotten up your holiday decorations by now, take a look at� them. How many of them did someone craft by hand? I have two, neither of which was made by me. I’m certainly an advocate of DIY projects, so I thought I’d share one with you today. The best part? It’s doubly geeky! Behold the LEGO Death Star Ornament. It combines two of my favorite things (LEGOs and Star Wars) into one deliciously geeky…

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Construct your own Death Star ornament out of LEGOs
Fun & Games December 2, 2010 posted by Scott

Seated Snowboard gives you the best of both worlds

I’ve always thought that snowboading looked like a lot of fun. Unfortunately it takes a pretty large hill to be able to really appreciate on of these crafts. I mean, the coolest part is being able to do all sorts of awesome tricks in the air. You’re not going to do that going down a 10-foot hill in your back yard. Of course, even if I had the hill, there’s no way I would have the skill to make it…

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Seated Snowboard gives you the best of both worlds
Gadgets December 1, 2010 posted by Scott

Cassette MP3 Player lets you rock out 80’s style

It’s pretty safe to say that the iPod (in its many forms) has more-or-less conquered the portable music playing market. Of course that wasn’t always the case. There was a large period of time where the Walkman reigned supreme. If you weren’t walking around with one of those bad boys clipped to your belt, you weren’t one of the cool kids. Well now you can reclaim that 80’s look without the need to create mix tapes. If you head over…

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Cassette MP3 Player lets you rock out 80’s style
Awesome December 1, 2010 posted by Scott

Meatball Grill Basket – cook your meatballs the grill pro way

Who doesn’t love a good meatball? Alright, so vegetarians probably don’t, and plenty of other people as well. This product is not for those persons. Instead, it is for everyone that has thought to themselves �I want to make meatballs on a grill.� If that doesn’t sound like heaven to you, then you might want to just scroll down and read about something else that is relevant to your interests. The Meatball Grill Basket is a rather handy cooking device….

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Meatball Grill Basket – cook your meatballs the grill pro way
Bizarre December 1, 2010 posted by Scott

American Express now lets you exchange reward points for FarmVille credit

I’m starting to think that I’m the last person to use FaceBook without ever playing FarmVille. It’s probably for the best, as it seems to be one of the most addicting games� known to man. A while back they introduced FarmVille credit, which allowed you to exchange real money for virtual items in the game. That seemed crazy enough, but now things have gone even further. American Express will now allow you to trade in reward points for FarmVille credit….

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American Express now lets you exchange reward points for FarmVille credit