Author Archives: Scott

hmm..interesting January 5, 2012 posted by Scott

Phone Tail 4S gives you a false sense of security

We have seen a thousand iPhone cases, and some of them offer more protection, extra long battery life, or the ability to store extra items like credit cards. The Phone Tail 4S, however, offers you the �sense� of security you want, without actually giving you real security. This case is made out of silicone, which is lower to medium protection. Its gimmick is that it has two interchangeable loops that come out of the back of the case. The short…

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Phone Tail 4S gives you a false sense of security
hmm..interesting January 4, 2012 posted by Scott

300 piece Hydrodynamic Building Set makes for an awesome science project

We know that gas is terribly expensive, and will one day be near impossible to find. Such is the case with fossil fuels, as we can’t exactly wait around for thousands upon thousands of years for more gallons of oil to crop up. This is but one reason why learning to use water, wind, and solar power are so important. Hopefully, in the future we will no longer need to rely on a limited supply on fuel that creates greenhouse…

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300 piece Hydrodynamic Building Set makes for an awesome science project
but is it art? January 4, 2012 posted by Scott

Knitted Calendar Scarf unravels as the days go by

If you’re the type of person who likes to hang up a calender, then you no doubt find yourself purchasing a new one every year. Sometimes you might get an ordinary one, with a different picture for each month. But occasionally you might want to change it up a bit, and get something that will not only tell you what day it is, but become a conversation piece as well. That’s exactly what the Gregor Unravelling Knitted Calendar Scarf is.

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Knitted Calendar Scarf unravels as the days go by
Free Software January 4, 2012 posted by Scott

SLAG-FS is a simple media player designed for TVs

When one decides to throw a party, one of the important things to plan for is music. Depending on your setup, running it through your home theater system can be the best way to do it, since those tend to be the best speakers in most people’s houses. The other nice thing is that you can use the TV to display the music info for your guests to see. If this is something you like to do, then you’ll love…

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SLAG-FS is a simple media player designed for TVs
heh heh! January 4, 2012 posted by Scott

Get your own Adam West-era Batmobile

Sometimes, you look in the mirror, and say to yourself in a deep voice, �I’m Batman.� It’s okay, none of us judge you for it, mostly because we do it too. However, if you really want to start making the jump from just thinking you’re the Dark Knight to really looking the part, you can purchase the $188,000 Batmobile Replica.

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Get your own Adam West-era Batmobile
Eco Friendly January 4, 2012 posted by Scott

Water Saver Gadget lets you keep an eye on your usage

Seeing the economy in such a bad state makes saving every penny that much more important. Even when you water your lawn, there are quite a few of those pennies flowing out of your hose. Knowing how much water you need for your plants is important, so having a gadget like the Water Saver around can be helpful.

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Water Saver Gadget lets you keep an eye on your usage
Gadgets January 3, 2012 posted by Scott

Hidden Radio And Bluetooth Speaker

Nothing helps you get through your day like music. It can turn your entire mood around from crabby and sour to bright and cheerful in a matter of seconds. Listening to music on your phone is great and all, but sometimes you really want to kick it up a notch, without having to shake the foundation from a super expensive stereo system. This is where the Hidden Radio And Bluetooth Speaker comes in.

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Hidden Radio And Bluetooth Speaker
heh heh! January 3, 2012 posted by Scott

Eat Fit Cutlery Set makes you work out while you dine

If you wanted to start taking the first steps towards improving your fitness, the first obvious choice is changing the way you eat. Sure, you could do the diet change and eat more greens with less fatty foods, but what about changing the act of eating? What about using weights while at the dinner table? That’s right, the Eat Fit Cutlery Set is going to help you burn those carbs right as they’re going into your mouth. This set of…

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Eat Fit Cutlery Set makes you work out while you dine
Free Software January 3, 2012 posted by Scott

refDot makes citations simple by pulling them from Amazon

If you’ve ever written a paper for a college course, you’re well aware of the fact that you need to give proper citations at the end, or suffer a loss of many points. While it wouldn’t seem like a ton of work, if you have several books that you’ve referenced, you might start to wish that there was some shortcut for compiling that information. Thanks to a simple Chrome extension, there is.

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refDot makes citations simple by pulling them from Amazon
diy January 3, 2012 posted by Scott

Kitty Twitty lets you talk to your cat via Twitter

While you love your cat with all of your heart, you know that it’s likely not the best idea to take Fluffy with you on a business trip. However, you know that your feline friend is going to mope while your gone, so to try and keep kitty active while you are away, while not get an innovative toy like the Kitty Twitty?

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Kitty Twitty lets you talk to your cat via Twitter
hmm..interesting January 3, 2012 posted by Scott

Wrap’It Headphone Organizer

When you reach into the abyss you call your bag (or pockets) and try to pull out headphones, you more often than not pull out a tangled mess of headphones. Even if you try and wrap it up all neat and tidy, it usually comes undone. This is why an item like the Wrap’It Headphones are such a brilliant idea.

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Wrap’It Headphone Organizer
Gadgets January 2, 2012 posted by Scott

Pocket Pal Multifunction Sharpener

There always seems to be a negative connotation surrounding the word �knife,� because it’s sometimes associated with violence. However, a lot of people still carry a knife, even if it’s a small one, because they have more uses than just hurting people. You never know when you’ll need something sharp to cut string, branches, zip ties, and other smaller things. In these cases though, a dull knife will do you no good, so it’s best to keep a sharpener on…

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Pocket Pal Multifunction Sharpener
Free Software January 2, 2012 posted by Scott

Backup your tabs for later viewing with ZipTabs

I’m notorious for having an excessive amount of tabs open in my browser. In fact, I usually have several windows with a bunch of tabs open. Some of them are articles I’m researching, while others might be things I’m saving to read later, and more might be pages that I’m intending to show to someone else. So what happens when you want save all of those tabs for viewing later? You could bookmark them all, or you could use ZipTabs…

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Backup your tabs for later viewing with ZipTabs
heh heh! January 2, 2012 posted by Scott

Goggles Umbrella lets you peek through

Walking in the rain is not a fun situation, but still happens to us here and there. If you style your hair or wear makeup at all though, this particular scenario is an absolute nightmare. Not to mention seeing anything in front of you is near impossible as you’re trying to protect your face from the onslaught of water droplets coming at you. It is for this reason that dome umbrellas are awesome, as you are protected from both water…

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Goggles Umbrella lets you peek through